17 August 2010

ANalysis Who You 're!!

Salam...MAy Allah bless you all..Salam Ramadhan...

Now Im studying in IIuM foundation, in arabic course ...I never thought will be here ..Maybe there's some hikmah and secretss why I'd been here..Whatever the reasons are.. i would like to Thank to Allah as the Guider for my Life...of Course Soon there would be a much better life here..where I need to face the life also together with frendz that always support me from BehinD...leNd me Their shoulder to cry on !!huhu

Now,,there's 4 about a few sem before i futher my studies at IIUM GOMBAK Campus...Of Course it's hard to say TATA to Cfs IIUM nILai..The best campus ever ..haha..Tata maK Cik n Pak Cik Restoran..For sure When I grown up I would like to start my business with Food Restaurant too..huhu..This sem I'll learn arabic CORE course which for sure it's something new for me and it quit HarD and I need to work more harder than Before,,haha..

Studying here gives me a lot of opportunities and I get more closer to everyone which come from different states of Malaysia..Learn other cultures of other states like kedah people, Kelantanese make me curious to know how they learn,style, behavior, and the most important are their speech and the way they interact among themselves..this sem my nearest friends came from Kedah and of Coz other States such Johor,Kelantan and so on.huhu


CFS IIUM Beautiful SCeNery..hehe...IS it???


Nothing Here look FAntastic!!,,,hehe,,sorry to say ...Just for Fun..

.................But all is about...........

....................Masjid Nilai...............

Where the ummah perform their prayer together and sharing their thoughts and opinions,

The only ONE mosque in Nilai..

and the most important it is located IN FRont of our Hostel..